After a relatively benign first week, Anna kicked off her second week at home in compliant fashion. We went to Sunday brunch for our first family outing and she behaved beautifully. By behaving I mean she slept the entire time. Nothing like eating an omelette and peering over the table at your daughter sleeping peacefully. Sunday night, however, Anna decided she had held her tongue long enough.
Before signing off, want to give a shout out to two of Anna's newest friends who entered the world this past week: Lily Larson-Wolbrink (a mere 12 hours ahead of Anna) and Oliver Thomas Fotopulos. Congrats Ben & Gretchen, Steve & Susannah!
Nothing like a content baby while eating out. Gina - I love the haircut!
Sorry - didn't mean to post anonymous - having problems pushing the correct button in Croatian. This is Jenn (since I still cannot push the right button)
Hey guys,
Glad week 1 went well. Week 2: I hope it doesn't last... Lucas was a classic colic for 6 months straight (even after diagnosed with reflux)! Aaagh! And still gets easily overstimulated and needs some help transitioning to sleep. Here's a fun and helpful book: Harvey Karp's Happiest Baby On The Block. Cheesy title but some useful tricks. Good luck! Lovin' the family photo during brunch...
Hey G&G, this was a pleasant surprise, finding you here. You are most brave for embarking on parenthood, and, as fortune favours the brave, many blessings lie ahead i'm sure!
another G
First, this is the best blog ever. Ko will be very envious and will most likely go ahead and start a url for our future child, now. I kid not.
Secondly, the poo song killed me. See, television IS educational!
And in closing, Anna is just lovely, as are her parents. And mommy looks very well while sleeping. No drool or double chin- already ahead in the game. Also I agree with anonymous/jenn that Gina's hair looks fabulous.
Much much luck, best wishes and hugs for the entire family -
ShanKo Babysitting Services Inc.
"You make the baby, we'll do the sitting."
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