Thursday, September 20, 2007

A Walk in the Park

Last Saturday, we took Anna for a walk in the park...a very big park...Stone Mountain Park to be exact. For those unschooled in local ATL geography, the park boasts the largest exposed piece of granite in the world. It also boasts one of the more ostentatious monuments to Confederate nostalgia around (though our Nashville peeps might nominate the tacky, fiberglass statue of Nathan Bedford Forrest on horseback that guards the shoulder of I-65 at Harding Place as more deserving of this designation. At least the chiseled Confederate generals at Stone Mountain actually reflect real artistic talent. But I digress...) There are miles of great walking trails at Stone Mountain, and the day was too pretty to stay indoors, so we packed up the stroller for a 4-mile walk around the base of the mountain. To our surprise, Anna slept for about 3.5 of the 4 miles.
I say surprise because she loves to be outside these days. She especially likes to look at trees...she'll throw her head back and stare up at the branches with big, round eyes. On this day, she demonstrated her affection with a hug. I can honestly say I've never seen a cuter tree-hugger! While Anna is still perfecting the art of hugging, she got's smiling down pat! I won't lie to you...she'll totally melt your heart when she unleashes one on you.
But don't be too charmed...she can also be a cool character.


Anonymous said...

love the pink jogging suit! she looks like a dainty gangsta

Anonymous said...

I'm jealous of those trees. Hope she saves a few hugs for her Papa and Nana. "papa"

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